Sunday, July 19, 2009

Notable Quote in Passing of Robert Isabell

It's sad to see someone so gifted, so young, in the NT Times obituary.

From the Archive: A Q&A With the Late Robert Isabell

"If people are going to spend money, they want to make sure the job is going to be done right," he said. "They're going to go to somebody more professional. In good economic times, a lot of people go into business. And when the economy slows down, they get out, probably close their business and go to work for somebody else. The last time there was a recession I actually got busier."

Isabell's work was outstanding. So as I read one of his last interviews, I'm struck by how apt his observation is about hard times. Indeed, the points he's making seem to be true now for me and my business. I have to work harder and strive for excellence, but the rewards are out there. It should be noted that the business he was in, floral decor, was of such an ephemeral nature, that I would consider it to be the very first cut on someone's budget.

Thanks Robert for telling it like it is.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Favorite David Pogue Quotes

As an avid reader of David Pogue, technology columnist for The New York Times, here's a few of his recent and most notable quotes.

"Isn’t it amazing that, after all these years, it still hasn’t dawned on companies like D-Link that simplicity sells? They still don’t get it: spending a little money up front —on hardware design, streamlined software, better manuals — would save a fortune in tech-support calls and store returns."
[so true]
State of the Art: A Router So Complete, and Vexing
New York Times - July 02, 2009

"For the last 15 years, Microsoft’s master business plan seems to have been, “Wait until somebody else has a hit. Then copy it.”
[I'd say, in most cases it's more like, hack at it!]
State of the Art: Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better
New York Times - July 09, 2009

"It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Google Voice."
[I find it ironic that he goes on to quote himself.]
From the Desk of David Pogue: Updates to Google Voice
New York Times - July 16, 2009

Here's a bit more about Pogue:

With over three million books in print, Pogue is one of the world's best-selling how-to authors. In addition he is an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News, a frequent guest on NPR's "Morning Edition," and a regular on CNBC.

Maybe you want to bookmark his blog: